What is the Best Organisational Structure for Creativity?

Creative people are different from you and me, right? Well, no. David Burkus dispels this myth and nine more in his excellent new book The Myths of Creativity. This holds important lessons for how to organise our firms to help them be more creative.

Innovation Lessons from the Rise, Fall, and Rise of LEGO

After a string of innovation failures, LEGO nearly went out of business in 2003. Brick by Brick tells the story of how this happened, and how LEGO turned things around to become an innovation powerhouse again. There are some broad lessons that can be learned from this story.

How Can We Increase Insight?

Gary Klein on improving performance

Innovation depends on insight. But many of the practices and habits within our organisations actually inhibit generating insights. In Seeing What Other Don’t, Gary Klein offers some ideas for overcoming these obstacles, and for generating novel insights.