Why You Need to Innovate in Tough Times

It’s natural to try to cut back in tough economic times, and consequently, organisations often cut innovation. This is a mistake. The best results coming out of recessions happen when firms balance short-term and long-term oriented innovation.

Do You Really Know What Business You’re In?

In 1993 you needed a phone, a laptop, a camcorder, a palm pilot, a watch, a walkman and a pager to do most of what you can do today with your smartphone. That’s amazing, and there are some important innovation lessons that follow from this.

Innovation for Growth

Why all this talk about innovation?  I get that question a lot. The reason that I think innovation is important is that it is the driver for growth.  Consequently, we’re changing the name of the blog to Innovation for Growth. Here are some of the reasons that I think it’s important to link innovation with […]