A Conversation is the Smallest Unit of Change


The only way we can make ourselves is through making each other. And we always have a choice in how we make others. Do we do it using generative, both/and, mutually thriving stories, thoughts, and language, or do we do it using narcissistic, better than, zero-sum ideas? The choices we make for how we make others drives who “we” are.

Technological Revolutions and the Governance Gap

There is often a gap between how fast technology changes, and how fast human institutions respond to this change. This Governance Gap is one of the core problems of management today.

How to Use Polarity Management to Support Innovation

You Need Both Execution and Innovation to Succeed

What are polarities?

To be a successful organisation, we need the skills to both find and execute new ideas. These two skill-sets often seem to be opposites. However, it is much more productive to think of them as a polarity – an interdependent set of skills which are both simultaneously necessary for success.

How to Design for Outcomes

NeoNurture Incubator

If we want to change the world, it’s not enough to have great ideas. We also have to have the managerial skills needed to execute our ideas. The baby incubator from Design that Matters is a great case study showing the obstacles we face.

The Innovator’s Hypothesis: Michael Schrage Tells Us How to Take the First Step

“The Googles, Amazons, Apples, Netflixes, and Capital Ones … don’t insist on performing lots of interesting experiments because they’re rich; they’re rich because they insist on performing lots of interesting experiments.”