Technological Revolutions and the Governance Gap

There is often a gap between how fast technology changes, and how fast human institutions respond to this change. This Governance Gap is one of the core problems of management today.

Well, No, I am NOT a Natural


A lot of times, if you see someone that’s good at something, we believe their skill comes naturally. But often, it’s the result of hours and hours of hard work, and practice. This is great news, because it means that all of us can better at things that we love.

Do We Need Managers or Management?

Do we need managers, or do we need good managers? There’s evidence that they’re not exactly the same thing – and some of the best-managed organisations have very few people in formal management positions. Instead, they get management done by having everyone involved. This is a repost of something I originally wrote for Harvard Business Review Blogs.

A Model for Dual Corporate Innovation Management

As reiterated by Tim Kastelle in the previous post, it’s imperative to distinguish discovery from execution when it comes to startup and innovation activities – bearing in mind that both purposes are complementary and equally important. This suggests following a dual approach for balanced corporate innovation management. The main objective of dual approaches is to sufficiently separate exploration-/discovery-oriented initiatives from exploitation-/execution-oriented ones […]