blocks of time

Paul Graham wrote an insightful post recently talking about the differences between a Manager’s schedule and a Maker’s schedule. The basic idea is that managers divide their days into one hour blocks. So meetings can be fit into available one hour blocks. So can administration. If managers are lucky, when they have a bigger job […]


Amber made a very thoughtful comment on a post a couple of days ago, which I thought deserved more attention than it would get buried in the comments. So I’m posting it here, and also trying to answer a couple of her questions. She said: Tim, since your post on Crocs and their sudden obsolescence […]

special innovation zones

Alex Steffan has a really interesting idea over on – that maybe we should have Special Innovation Zones to encourage major social innovations. His main point is that many green innovations are stymied by zoning regulations, resistance from established interests like power companies, or other systemic reasons. His proposal is that we should take […]

more innovation everywhere has many examples of bad ideas, which, probably, won’t spread… When I talked about Voodoo Histories by Aaronovitch the other day, I maybe stretched things a bit when I talked about Crocs as a bad idea that spread. In fact, several parts of that post weren’t very clear. I think a better description of […]

weekend odds & ends

One thing I meant to mention in the post on newspapers – a key point raised in the Vanity Fair article on is that they make about 50% of their revenue from a physical print copy. It only includes content that has already appeared on the website, and has the usual time lags that […]