Do You Really Know What Business You’re In?

In 1993 you needed a phone, a laptop, a camcorder, a palm pilot, a watch, a walkman and a pager to do most of what you can do today with your smartphone. That’s amazing, and there are some important innovation lessons that follow from this.

We’re All in the Knowledge Business Now

Many people think that their industry is immune from the disruption that we are seeing in music, news and books. However, we are not too far away from seeing every industry becoming knowledge-based. This has big implications.

Four Key Issues in Innovation Management

Ralph Ohr & I met up at the end of last year and talked a lot about the state of innovation. These are the four issues that we identified as the ones that we think are the most important/interesting in the field right now.

Here’s Why Many Innovation Initiatives Fail

Wouldn’t it be great if you could do customer service like Zappos?  Or design like Apple? Or innovation like 3M? Who wouldn’t want to be like those firms? Well, it’s not so simple. Barry Dalton wrote an excellent post called You Can’t Be Zappos (and why would you want to be?) addressing exactly this issue. […]