Events and Processes

We had winter graduations today. I really enjoy graduations. The ceremony itself is a bit tedious, but the joy and celebration of the event always makes it worth going to (plus I get to wear the puffy hat!). Sitting on stage watching the graduates get their diplomas always makes me think of the how the […]

Breaking the Rules of Learning

Yesterday I went to a seminar from Bill Eggers, hosted by Deloitte. Bill is a specialist in thinking about governmental reform and the digital economy, but most of his messages about innovation apply to all organizations. It’s been a long time since I took three pages of notes in a seminar so I might do […]

Improve Innovations Through Iteration

Here’s a great quote from Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky: Defending yourself in advance against all the possible ramifications of success has strong diminishing returns. As a general rule, it is more important to try something new, and work on the problems as they arise, than to figure out a way to do something without […]

Get Out of the Echo Chamber to Improve Innovation

Ethan Zuckerman’s great talk from this week’s TED Global conference was just posted – it is well worth watching (the notes for the talk are here on Zuckerman’s blog): This talk raises an important general point – if we want to be good global citizens, we need to be making more of an effort to […]

Measuring Innovation in Cities

One particular project I’ve been involved with in recent months is the Brisbane Innovation Scorecard. It’s a nice collaboration between Deloitte, Brisbane Marketing, Queensland Government (DEEDI),Brisbane City Council and a few of us here at UQ Business School and it will be launched on the 28th of July. If you are in Brisbane that day […]

The Essence of Disruption

Here’s Quincy Smith, who was the head of digital content at CBS at the time, talking about traditional media’s response to Google and the digital revolution (from Googled by Ken Auletta): Your problem is that traditional media is sitting in a castle. If you ask them to run outside in the middle of a rain […]

Selecting the Best Idea is a Universal Innovation Problem

Tim and I write a lot about managing innovation as a process. This is important for a number of reasons, but the two main ones are that if we manage innovation this way then it isn’t dependent on any particular person and that it is proactive and constant rather than reacting to a crisis. In […]

The World Cup Desperately Requires Innovation

Here is a quote from the FIFA spokesperson Nicolas Maingot responding to questions about the persistently horrible standard of refereeing at the World Cup: Maingot also said FIFA was investigating why the giant video screen at the Soccer City ground showed a replay of the controversial Tevez opening goal in contravention of an understanding it […]

Larry Page on Making Ideas Real

Here is a telling passage from Googled: The End of the World as We Know It by Ken Auletta, about Larry Page, one of the two founder of Google, reflecting on the career of Nikolai Tesla and the start of Google: Page told me he learned from Tesla that “you can invent the world’s greatest […]

You Don’t Need to Be Good at Everything

For the second day in a row, Hugh MacLeod’s daily newsletter has sparked a thought for me. Here it is: This reminded me of a conversation that I had recently with one of our potential research partners. We are trying to find a corporate partner for my PhD student Nadja’s research work, and we were […]

Innovation = Connections

A couple of recent things have struck a chord with me. Check out Mark Earls (whose book Herd is essential reading – track it down now) in his post Rethinking What Business is For – after discussing the dialog concerning public sector versus private sector, he says: But there’s precious little discussion of what business […]

Nothing Lasts Forever

Nancy and I spend the day yesterday looking at what’s left of Hadrian’s Wall. It was a fascinating day. Around 200 A.D. the wall went for about 75 miles across the UK, with forts all the way along. This is what the fort at Birdoswald looks like now: Seeing this makes me understand why it […]