news business models

I’ve written a bit about newspapers here, and here, mainly discussing how they might change their business models effectively. As is often the case, it looks like it is new entrants that are coming up with the genuinely innovative business models. Two recent pieces have addressed this. The first is an article by Michael Wolff […]

innovation in finance?

Doyne Farmer is pretty much a genius. And a very engaging speaker. This is a talk he gave a couple of months ago, reviewing ten years of physicists’ work on finance. I saw Farmer speak at one of the first conferences that I went to, on econophysics in Canberra – and he was absolutely captivating. […]

innovation system policy idea

Peter Klein just blogged about his favourite quote at the DRUID Summer Conference, from Sid Winter. One of my favourite quotes at the conference came from Peter himself, when he was discussing the three papers on eco-innovation – that people making innovation policies have to be aware of ‘the Hayek problem – can policies be […]

science comes to the search engine wars!

I found this post on the Data Mining blog, which links to a page that compares bing, yahoo & google. The idea is that you submite a search term, and then it performs the search on all three search engines, and returns the first page of each. You can then pick which results are the […]

internet mapping project

Kevin Kelly is asking people to map the internet as they see it. He explains the idea here. And you can see all of the maps here. It’s a pretty interesting project. I asked my postgrad class this semester to do a photo essay illustrating an innovation that wasn’t a new product or service, to […]

queen’s birthday links

I hope everyone is enjoying doing whatever it is that we’re supposed to do to commemorate the Queen’s birthday. Here are a few things I’ve run across so far today: The potato gatling gun demonstrates again the difference between invention and innovation. It’s a cool thing to make, but I suspect it’ll be a while […]

business model innovation

There was an article in this weekend’s Australian Financial Review reviewing a book about myspace. The reviewer kept stressing that myspace did not invent any new technology, the implication being that the firm was not innovative. So how did it wipe out friendster? The answer, which wasn’t explored by AFR is that myspace developed a […]


Here’s something new – in the UK is introducing their new service called Mapumental. It’s a dumb name, but at least they didn’t call it Mapology… In any case, the video that explains is it well worth watching: I always talk about how innovation is often simply the act of making new connections. Mapumental […]

follow ups

Right after talking about Google wave, I ran across this story about the release of Microsoft bing. I like to use google as an example in classes when I talk about intellectual property ideas. The google search algorithm isn’t patentable, and yet they’ve made a ton of money off of it. But I suspect that […]

mapping innovation networks

I just wrote this for the UQ Business School Alumni publication: Innovation is particularly important in turbulent economic times. As Scott Anthony points out in his upcoming book, The Silver Lining, nearly half of the current Fortune 500 companies were founded during recessions, including firms such as Bridgestone Tires, Digital Equipment Corporation, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, McKinsey […]


First off, I apologise for the title of the post. I’m now declaring a moratorium on all titles of anything (especially books) that end in ‘nomics’ or ‘ology’. I just wanted to get one of my own in before I started enforcing the moratorium (still not sure how I’m going to get the publishers to […]