The Problem With Being a Fast Follower: Tacit Knowledge

Not Everything That Matters Can Be Measured

Tacit Knowledge and Why It’s Important There is a mining CEO in Australia who often says in private conversation something like: When it comes to new ideas, we’re anxious to be second They want to use a fast follower strategy.  And there’s some sense to this approach.  After all, trying to be first is risky. […]

Integrative Innovation

This post was first published as opening post to my new blog, titled Integrative Innovation.   Some people I’ve been collaborating with have recently encouraged me to open up an own blog. After having given it some thought, I decided to do so. I’m launching a new site and platform titled “Integrative Innovation” to share ideas […]

The Attacker’s Dilemma

The Bing It One challenge would have been a great tool in 1998. Unfortunately, now that Google dominates search, an improved algorithm isn’t enough to get people to switch. This is the Attacker’s Dilemma: unless you bring a major performance improvement, there is no point in directly attacking a strong incumbent in their area of strength.

Why the Future of Innovation is Open

As outlined in my previous post, sustainable innovation requires evolution and revolution. Over the long term, organizations need to be capable of both moving along existing growth trajectories and creating new ones when the old business matures or stalls. This can be depicted as recurring movement along innovation s-curves. In the case of a new […]