news business model summary

The purpose of this particular post is to pull together links to all of the posts that I’ve done on the topic of new business models for journalism so that they are a bit easier to find. This is an important issue for news, but it illustrates a broader point. The key to adapting to disruptive change is to change your business model. We are seeing attempts to do this play out in front of us in real time, so I think it is a very useful learning opportunity.

This is what we’ve had so far:

  • Free News?: This was the first post on journalism – the main issue here is a discussion of the impact that free news on the web has had on the business model for newspapers.
  • More News Business Models: looks at Steven Johnson’s diagram of the news ecosystem and talks about how to put together a unique mix of content in a news business model.
  • Regulate or Innovate: talks about how Australian newspapers have tried to deal with losing advertising revenue to the internet for house sales.
  • Aggregate, Filter and Connect: are three ways to generate revenue in digital knowledge-sharing markets – like news!
  • Business Models Summary: does something we probably should have done earlier, which is discuss what business models actually are, and discusses possible revenue generation mechanisms for news.
  • Business Models and the Three Horizons: uses a speech by John Temple – the former editor of the Rocky Mountain News to illustrate how using the three horizons framework might help to develop a new business model for news.
  • The News Value Proposition: does just what the title says – it looks at how to make a new value proposition for news.
  • Splitting and Lumping: How trying to find the right analogy can help you build an effective business model when you’re surrounded by chaos.
  • Publishing Business Models: Book publishers are facing some of the same issues as newspaper publishers, and this post looks at the options available to them.
  • Filtering When You’re Small: Rupert Murdoch trying to turn off google leads to a discussion of how to take advantage of aggregate, filter and connect if you’re a small niche player.
  • Jeff Jarvis on New Business Models for News: My comments on a great 15 minute talk from Jeff Jarvis concerning how to make new business models for news.
  • Three lessons for adapting to disruptions: My interpretation of the key ideas in a talk by Arianna Huffington.
  • Three horizons of news innovation: Looks at the argument between Jeff Jarvis and Dan Conover about what new business models might work best.
  • Changing the Game for News: We need the cable television version of news, or the mobile phone version – not just the one where we pick up a paper newspaper and recreate it online.
  • Business Model Innovation for News: Is it time for news organisations to ‘burn the boats’ and fully commit to digital delivery? Still a bit of an open question, I think.

So that’s a good summary of where we’ve gotten on this topic. It also highlights one of the difficulties on a blog – it’s hard to build a sustained argument across time and interspersed through other topics. And I’m not entirely convinced that tagging posts really gets around the problem – hence this summary post!

Student and teacher of innovation - University of Queensland Business School - links to academic papers, twitter, and so on can be found here.

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