How to Innovate with an Utterly Derivative Product

I just finished the new novel by William Gibson, Zero History, which prompted me to go back to read his previous two books since the three are loosely connected. I know that these books have polarised his fans, with some hating them and other loving them. I’m in the latter camp – I think his […]

Expand the Market for Innovation Success

I’ve told the story of the rise and fall of Xerox a few times recently, and I thought it would be worthwhile to actually write it up. The key points from the rise are these: Chester Carlson took out a patent on the process of xerography in 1937. After failing to commercialise it successfully, he […]

What if We Don’t Know What Our Business Model Is?

Here’s an alarming stat from Charles Baden-Fuller: 2/3 of companies have not articulated their business model. Yikes! This video has an interview with him in which he discusses this statistic and some of other business models issues that arise from the articles in a special issue of Long Range Planning which has twenty articles on […]

The Value Proposition in Business Models

Anders Sundelin wrote a post earlier this week about the evolution of the business model concept. He does a great job of showing the various ways in which this idea has been operationalized – it’s still surprisingly fuzzy. For the state of the art thinking on business model innovation, a special issue of Long Range […]

The Real Problem with the Media Business Model

Almost as soon as I finished yesterday’s post on media business models I knew that I had missed an important part of the story. A big part of the problem with the business model for many of the media segments is that they are actually two-sided markets, and the value proposition on one side has […]

Which Part of Your Business Model is Creating Value?

Andrew Keen posted a fascinating interview with Jeff Jarvis yesterday. All of the interview clips are worth watching – they touch on a number of interesting topics, including the relative benefits of publicness and privacy, the future of news and how to best develop new business models for journalism, why google struggles with social applications, […]

Listening to customers…. really listening.

One of the consistent messages from innovation surveys is that customers are a major source of innovation. Sometimes customers with more extreme uses for products will adapt products to suit their purpose and then the manufacturers find out what is happening and take these adaptations on board. If you’ve seen the videos of big wave […]

Craft-Based Innovation – Dodocase

Check Kevin Rose‘s of the Dodocase for iPad, one of the more gorgeous things I’ve run across recently: Schumpeter defined innovation as the formation of new connections which drive economic growth. In The Nature of Technology, Brian Arthur reinforces this idea by saying that all new economic ideas build on the combination of things that […]

The Problem with a Solutions Business Model

You have probably heard of the phrase “jumping the shark”. This phrase goes back to an infamous episode of the 1970s sitcom called “Happy Days” when the producers, faced with declining popularity, tried to revive the show by getting the Fonz to jump over a shark on water skis. In the corporate world, there are […]

IP protection and Open Innovation can work together (if you do it right).

I’ve just finished reading a nice article on IP strategy and open innovation that was published in the MIT Sloan Management Review last year. It’s worth reading because the authors, Oliver Alexy, Paula Criscuolo and Ammon Salter have been doing research in this area for a while and now have a good corpus of evidence […]

Different Forms of Filtering Create Different Forms of Value

Ethan Zuckerman wrote a very interesting post today called What if Search Drove Newspapers? He talks about several different initiatives designed to gauge readers’ interest in different news stories, particularly those that are currently under-reported, and then devising methods for reporting stories on these topics. He asserts (correctly, I think) that this is basically search-driven […]

Business Model Innovation for Higher Education

Can universities keep delivering education in the same way that they have been for past few hundred years? The reason this topic is coming up frequently these days is that digital technologies are having an increasing impact on the delivery of education. Consequently, Don Tapscott wonders if the university model of delivering education can still […]