Innovation Through Prototyping and Experiments

I’ve talked before about the importance of experiments in the innovation process. Experiments are essential for two reasons. First, they allow us to be more confident that our ideas will work. If we run a successful small experiment, that gives us some idea of how the innovation might work as we try to scale it […]

Electric Cars & Business Model Innovation: Better Place

When was the first car fully powered by electricity built? Depends on how you define it. There was a prototype built in 1835. One built in Belgium set the land speed records in 1899 (68 mph!). And a few were on sale from at least 1895 on. In all that time, they’ve had one fundamental […]

The World’s First Social Media Expert

Before I tell you about the world’s first social media expert, consider this: Alan Mutter has a nice review of possible pay models for news, and here is how he sums things up (Free Advice on How to Charge for Content): Pick a system, any system. Or make up your own. It won’t matter what […]

Innovation: The War of Ideas

Innovations are ideas. Even if your innovation is a new gizmo, it is essentially an idea. Once you have a great idea (by making a new connection), you have to figure out how to get it to work, and once you’ve done that, you have to figure out how to get the idea to spread. […]

Is Business Model Innovation Just Another Name for Strategy?

If you have been following the posts over recent days you can probably guess that Tim and I have been talking a lot about business model innovation. To quote a phrase, we know business model innovation when we see it and some business model innovators such as Ryan Air and Ikea have become global market […]

How to Win in a Network Economy

The economy is a network. I’m Reading Smart World by Richard Ogle and he talks about a couple of the important implications of this. The networked nature of the economy tells us a lot about how innovations diffuse – particularly some the difficulties new ideas face in getting adopted. It sheds light on some questions […]

Sustainable Business Model Innovation?

I had a meeting today with Terry Cutler, and he told me about a couple of interesting examples of business model innovation. The striking one comes from Chile. As in many other countries, Chile’s old-growth rainforest has been severely depleted through logging and land-clearing. There have been major international protests against the logging practices of […]

Five Forms of Filtering

We create economic value out of information when we figure out an effective strategy that includes aggregating, filtering and connecting. The three steps interact and reinforce each other – and successful information-based business models have all three. We can undertake business model innovation by changing our methods in these three areas, or by changing where […]

The Importance of Business Model Innovation

I frequently have people say something like this to me: “But my organisation can’t be innovative – we’re a service company” (or a government agency, or a university department, and so on). This is why the definition of innovation is so important. A lot of people think that their organisation isn’t innovative because they’re not […]

How to Experiment to Support Innovation

Earlier this week I did a talk on innovation for a local firm that was the opening session of their strategy-making work for the year. During the questions, one person asked for suggestions about a specific initiative that they had been trying to get off the ground for a couple of years, but which just […]

Innovation Vision

How do we decide what our innovation strategy should be? Jeffrey Phillips says that we don’t need an innovation strategy at all, we just need a strategy, and it should have innovation embedded within it. That’s pretty consistent with what I’ve said here before as well when I talked about four different ways to integrate […]

Business Model Innovation for News

We’ve talked quite a bit about the situation in which the news industry currently finds itself. It is interesting because it is an industry in the middle of massive disruption, which makes it a great case study. Consequently, lots of other people are talking about it as well. This week I tweeted abougt two stories […]