Our Job is to Invent the Future, revisited

If we’re trying to innovate, our job is to invent the future. That’s why I was struck by this quote from Ray Kurzweil from a few years ago: I’m an inventor, and I started looking at long-term trends because an invention has to make sense in the world in which it was finished, not the […]

What’s Your Skype?

In his latest book Macrowikinomics, Don Tapscott (along with Anthony Williams) argues that there are two types of business models in existence today: those that have been disrupted by the internet, and those that are waiting to be disrupted by the internet (summarised in an article from the Wall Street Journal). I’m not 100% convinced […]

The Innovation Matrix Reloaded

Since I put the Innovation Matrix together last year, we’ve been experimenting with it to see if it makes sense. I’ve used it in a couple of classes, and John and I have discussed it with a number of people that are actually responsible for innovation within their organisations. We’ve learned that the basic principle […]

Three Signs That Your Business Model is Obsolete

When I was working on yesterday’s post about the business model experiment that Kaiser Chiefs are running, I came across a quote from Paul Morley that bothered me enough to trigger this post. It’s from the discussion of the idea in the Financial Times, and Morley is suggesting that the experiment is a terrible idea. […]

Are You Climbing Hills or Crossing Valleys?

One of the key issues we face in managing organisations is the state of the environment surrounding us. Is it stable or turbulent? This has an impact on our innovation strategy. In stable environments, we can afford to concentrate just on getting better at what we’re doing. However, in turbulent environments, we need to undertake […]

Innovation Myth: Ideas Spread Quickly

The future’s already here, it’s just not evenly distributed, and it doesn’t look like we expect it to When scientists first started talking about Artificial Intelligence in the 1950s and 1960s, a lot of the discussion centred around how to best create AI that would think like people do. This view of AI has dominated […]

Three Steps for Inventing the Future

The Future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed. – William Gibson That’s the idea that framed yesterday’s post – Where’s My Flying Car? I argued that as innovators, our job is to invent the future – and that in doing so, instead of trying to come up with something that has never existed […]

Creating Value Through Innovation

Who really gets excited about maximizing shareholder value? Or even profits? Is that enough to get you out of bed and in to work every single day? One of the reasons that I got interested in innovation is that it is about making things better – which to me is far more interesting. That’s why […]

The Knowledge Economy is the Economy

When I started this blogging chapter in an attempt to find the answer to the question in the blog “What does a knowledge economy look like”, I had some half-formed ideas as to where I might go with all this, but nothing to really tie the threads together. I think I do now. It’s a […]

Don’t Underestimate Business Models that Don’t Look Like Yours

I ran across a shocking quote today. It’s from an article in the July issue of The Monthly by Malcolm Knox called The Next Chapter – which is about the current state of play with e-books. Here is the quote: Until this year, the argument over e-books centred on whether they would ever overtake print. […]

The Role of Government in Innovation

Think for a minute about all of the innovations that had to take place for you to read this sentence. There are lots – computers, semi-conductors, the internet, and the world-wide web just for starters. Where did this innovation come from? Many firms have played important roles in these breakthrough innovations. But another important player […]

Responding to Disruptive Innovation

This semester John and I used a simulation exercise in our MBA class. It gives you a chance to run a battery company that is facing a disruptive innovation (there’s a good description of it here). The company is in a market that is evolving – the majority of demand and revenue comes from the […]