Ten More Great Free e-Books for Innovators

On Christmas Day last year, I posted a list of ten great free e-books for innovators. Today isn’t as festive, but I have another ten great free e-books that can help you become more innovative. Connecting ideas is the fundamental creative act in innovation, and one of the ways to do this is to read […]

What’s the Best Use for IP?

Nina Paley has a great series of comics that look at Intellectual Property issues. Here is one of them: The strips make some good points about IP. This one in particular is interesting – it addresses an increasingly common problem. Patents were originally designed to help knowledge spread – by encouraging inventors to disclose their […]

Media Business Models

A guest post by Greg Satell – Digital Tonto There’s been a lot of talk lately about how the media business model needs to change. That’s undoubtedly true. Much like any other industry, the business context is changing rapidly and business practices need to reflect that. However, once you start to explore the issue, another […]

Why do we miss disruptive innovations?

Tim has written a bit on the blog about Charles Darwin so I thought I would follow along this theme with another idea. As Tim says, the first big test of Darwin’s radical ideas on the formation of new species was a presentation to the Linnean society. Darwin’s supporters chose the Linnean society because of […]

Do Something Now!

I have an almost overwhelming amount of stuff to do right now. It’s all really interesting work, and I’m happy doing it – there’s just a lot of it right now. When I find myself in situations like this, I often end up paralysed, which makes things even worse. That is the situation that I […]

Your Brand is How You Interact

One of the key parts of innovation is getting our idea to spread. One of the disadvantages that new organizations have when they innovate is that they do not have any name recognition – in this situation people often think that if only they had a strong brand to support them, then it would be […]

Listening to customers…. really listening.

One of the consistent messages from innovation surveys is that customers are a major source of innovation. Sometimes customers with more extreme uses for products will adapt products to suit their purpose and then the manufacturers find out what is happening and take these adaptations on board. If you’ve seen the videos of big wave […]

Sustainable Innovation

Last week Tim and I were at the launch of the inaugural “Brisbane Innovation Scorecard”. It was a really nice event with 200 people in the room for lunch with many high-profile speakers. I have been involved with the project since March and its amazing to see something go from a small concept to such […]

I Could Have Done That!

Nancy Duarte beautifully tells the story of the architect Filippo Brunelleschi and how he won the right to build the Dome for the magnificent Cathedral in Florence. It’s a terrific story, and you should go read it – it’s ok, I’ll wait. … So, the climax of the story is that Brunelleschi does something clever […]

Grab Bag: Constraints, Change & Networks

Three posts jumped out at me today, so I thought I’d share them with you and add some thoughts: First, John Borthwick wrote a fascinating and thoughtful review of the iPad. He says that the native applications that will make it a genuinely unique device haven’t emerged yet, but that when they do, they will […]

Innovate What You Know?

Here’s a topic I’ve been thinking about a fair bit recently – are we more innovative when we focus on solving our own problems? As Matt put it on the 37 Signals, there’s a strong argument for designing what you know: I know it’s not always possible, but, when it is, pick something to work […]


When I run strategy seminars, I usually do a session on long-run trends in the macroenvironment. While firms can’t usually influence macro-trends such as interest rates, demographics and legislation, changes and trends can open up strategic opportunities and threats. While some of these can be predicted with a degree of certainty, such as an aging […]