Using Patents to Measure Innovation is a Really Bad Idea

One of the major themes running through the blog is that innovation is a complex process made from different activities. Tim and I have pushed this pretty hard because innovation is often confused with invention (the generation of an idea resulting in a new physical process or thing). There is a lot to be gained […]

Three Simple Tests for Your New Product Strategy

I was in a business presentation session with a large engineering firm last week, which got me thinking about what I like to see in new product strategies. In this instance, the firm was considering a move into the renewable energy industry, based upon how big this industry might be in the years ahead. Now […]

The Universe, Dark Matter and New Venture Success

You have probably heard of the dark matter puzzle in astronomy. I don’t remember that much from the astronomy unit that I took as part of my science degree but dark matter is one of those big questions that just gets undergrad students thinking. Put simply, the universe is really heavy (!) but if we […]

Innovation Lessons from The Checklist Manifesto

How do we deal with complexity? A while ago I suggested that one strategy that we use to handle complexity is that we outsource some of the rote memorisation of facts and routines that we need regularly. This is essentially the strategy that Atul Gawande also advocates in his outstanding book The Checklist Manifesto: How […]

Destroyed by excellence

There was a bit of interest in the blog piece that I did on responding to change so I thought I would follow this up with a quick discussion of a really good model for understanding inertia and how resistance to innovation develops. One of my favorite research studies on excellence and inertia is by […]

Yet Another Example of Why Inventions and Innovations are Different

One of my secret pleasures is Ken Burns documentaries. Ever since I saw his breakthrough work on the American Civil War about 20 years ago I have been mesmerized by his careful and beautiful use of images, narrative, music and cinematography (another innovation). It doesn’t really matter what the topic is… the Lewis and Clark […]

Everybody Should Read Ignore Everybody by Hugh MacLeod

Do you want to know how to easily find success? If so, then you probably shouldn’t read Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to Creativity by Hugh MacLeod. One of the themes of the book is that success is not easy. Creativity and Innovation are inherently threatening acts to many people, which makes new ides […]

A Salami Theory of Innovation Strategy

Strategy is a big and complicated area of business theory so its nice to simplify things a bit sometimes. My favorite simple theory of innovation strategy is what I call the salami theory. The idea of the salami theory came from my days (some time last century) in a share house while studying a science […]

Cumulative Disruption

If anyone ever asks you why innovation is important, consider this: Year Technology Lighting Efficiency 1750 B.C. Oil Lamp 17.5 (lumen hours per BTU) A.D. 1800 Tallow Candle 22.2 1815 Whale-oil Lamp 39.4 1875 Kerosene Lamp 46.6 1883 Electric Light, Carbon Filament 762.0 1920 Electric Light, Tungsten Filament 3,463.7 1992 Compact Flourescent Bulb 20,111.1 The […]

Don’t blame uncertainty for not changing

I’m getting ADSL2 put in my house this week and I’m pretty excited about it. Not only will it be much faster than my old service offered by one of the dominant telcos, but it also saves me the cost of line rental and national calls because I can use VoiP. It’s yet another way […]

Information Overload?

How do we cope with the barrage of information that we face each day? Yesterday I suggested that the information glut has been with us for a long time. Stowe Boyd ended up talking about the same issue yesterday in a terrific post called The False Question of Attention Economics. His contention is the same […]

Digging In

I really don’t feel like writing a blog post today. It’s early in the morning. I didn’t get much sleep. I don’t have a cat on my lap. I have too many cats on my lap. I haven’t eaten yet. It’s raining. It’s too nice out to be inside. I don’t have anything to say. […]