Institutional Innovation

Here’s a fairly radical idea: if the problem with economic development is that many poorly developed countries have poor institutions, maybe instead of trying to improve their institutions it makes more sense to move the people that live there to a place with better institutions. Let’s break that down a bit. There is a line […]

Innovations That Last

Here’s another video: Innovations that Last from Tim Kastelle on Vimeo. Here’s the brief summary: Today I wore to work a shirt that I bought in 1994. I’ve worn it a whole lot in the time since I bought it. It was made by Timberland, and it’s a well-made shirt that is still in pretty […]

Filtering, Crowdsourcing and Innovation

How can we take advantage of the ‘wisdom of crowds’ in our innovation efforts? There are some distinct challenges in trying to do this. The basic idea is this: if you get a large number of people to estimate something – the weight of an ox, or the number of jellybeans in a jar, for […]

I Have No Idea How the iPad Will Do!

With all the feverish discussion and prognostication about Apple’s preview of the iPad, I want to be the first person online to make this prediction: I have absolutely no idea how the iPad will perform. I’ll go one step further – neither does anyone else. The benefit of making predictions right now is that if […]

Low Tech Innovation

At start of my innovation courses, students often think that if their organisation isn’t inventing iPads, then they clearly aren’t (and can’t be) innovative. I end up spending a lot of time trying to help them see the many opportunities available for innovation, even within industries that appear to be pretty tightly constrained. In many […]

Filtering With Your Network

In yesterday’s post on Personal Aggregate, Filter & Connect Strategies, I didn’t have room for one key point: one of the key filters to use is your network. When he was in Brisbane last month, George Siemans gave a talk with an example that illustrated this perfectly. For the past couple of years, he has […]

What Would Google Do? by Jeff Jarvis

The question of how to best adapt to the changes brought about by the internet is of key importance to all organisations that are in information-based industries. According to Jeff Jarvis in What Would Google Do?, the answer is fairly simple: do what Google would. Here is a video in which he outlines the argument […]

Behavioural Innovation

I’ve been reading a lot of things from Umair Haque recently, and there he has some ideas that are definitely worth exploring. This is a talk that he gave last year which outlines several of his major themes. It is 20 minutes long, and well worth the time: Umair Haque at BRITE ’09 conference from […]

Changing the Game for News

A lot of people have been talking recently about a Harris Poll that shows that 77% of people in the US say that they won’t pay for online news. Specifically, this is the question they were asked: How much, if anything, would you be willing to pay per month to read a daily newspaper’s online […]

Innovation Lessons from My Cats

Nancy and I have a lot of cats, at least according to most people. Sometimes, they end up helping us out with work-related things – like the time Denali helped me with exam marking: Since they like to be in the middle of things, I thought it might be time to let them be in […]

Craft-Based Business Models

Today I talk about how you can use a craft-based approach to business model innovation: Craft-Based Business Models from Tim Kastelle on Vimeo. The key point is that you can create space for yourself, even in a crowded market, by doing something incredibly well. I use some more examples from the music industry. Here’s the […]

Cumulative Disruption

If anyone ever asks you why innovation is important, consider this: Year Technology Lighting Efficiency 1750 B.C. Oil Lamp 17.5 (lumen hours per BTU) A.D. 1800 Tallow Candle 22.2 1815 Whale-oil Lamp 39.4 1875 Kerosene Lamp 46.6 1883 Electric Light, Carbon Filament 762.0 1920 Electric Light, Tungsten Filament 3,463.7 1992 Compact Flourescent Bulb 20,111.1 The […]