Linking Innovation to Strategy, part 1

I just read a great post by John Borthwick which reviews the upcoming book about google by Ken Auletta. I encourage you to read the entire post, as I’m only going to focus on this part of it: What about a corporate statement of intent like Google’s “Don’t be evil”? “Don’t be evil” resonated with […]

Three Horizons of News Innovation

Journalism is a fascinating business model innovation case study these days – at least if you’re on the outside looking in. Journalism must exist in some form or another for democracy to work, yet newspapers and other journalism outlets are struggling terribly right now. The availability of inexpensive digital content has made it much harder […]

The Problem with Measuring Innovation

The problem with measuring innovation is that you can’t measure innovation. This makes it a difficult thing to manage. Now obviously, organisations figure out ways to measure how innovative they are – but they usually doing it by finding metrics that approximate some part of the innovation process. The fact that our metrics are all […]

Innovation strategy and the return of the conglomerate

We have been writing a bit about innovation strategy lately. While innovation and strategy are often poorly connected in the literature and in organisations, a real connecting point between the two is taking an evolutionary approach to both. In other words, if we manage both strategy and evolution as evolutionary processes of variation, selection and […]

adapting to disruptive change

Yesterday I wrote about how Western Union decided not to invest in telephone technology back in 1880. After posting, I sent this off over twitter: An #innovation lesson from the story of Western Union & the telephone About an hour later, that post got retweeted: Good story, good lesson: RT @timkastelle: An #innovation lesson […]

Seeing what’s coming

When Alexander Graham Bell developed the telephone, he offered to sell the patent to Western Union. He knew that getting the idea to spread was the hardest part, and he figured that a big firm that was already in the communications industry would be better equipped to get the idea out there. This was part […]

news business model summary

The purpose of this particular post is to pull together links to all of the posts that I’ve done on the topic of new business models for journalism so that they are a bit easier to find. This is an important issue for news, but it illustrates a broader point. The key to adapting to […]

the hardest part of innovation

I was thinking about my talk from yesterday, and one bit that I just spontaneously threw in is probably worth expanding on. I spent a lot of this week marking assignments from my MBA students (who were an exceptionally good bunch this year). For the major assignment this year, I had them analyse their own […]

What is an Innovation Culture?

Here are the slides + audio from the talk I gave this morning for the UQ Centre for Educational Innovation and Technology‘s planning day. One of the things that they were working on was thinking about what they want their innovation culture to be, so Phil asked me along to give some thoughts on that. […]

Cooperative strategy

I’m buried in work at the moment, but I ran across this today via Venessa Miemis‘ twitter feed and thought I should share it – Towards a New Literacy in Cooperation in Business, put out by the Institute for the Future. The summary paragraph on the page that I’ve linked to doesn’t do the report […]

If we were starting today, would we do this?

If we were starting today, would we do this? A perfect question to ask for business model innovation from journalist Jason Fry in a recent post (hat tip to Mark Coddington). Fry looks at some of the issues facing newspapers these days, and decides that the entire model needs to be rebuilt from scratch. I […]

the best solution to Search Engine Optimisation

One of the ideas that I really liked in Trust Agents by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith is that to be successful on the web, you need to ‘change the game’ (my full review of the book is here). The idea here is that you need to create an entirely new category for whatever it […]