Seven Steps to Build Your Experimental Capability

Experimenting is a core innovation skill. Scott Berkun’s book The Year Without Pants outlines the approach that Automattic uses to foster experiments at It’s a great approach, which you can adapt to fit your organisation too.

Strategic Reviews and the Four Envelopes of CEOs

  It is a fact of corporate life that CEOs get fired from time to time. Besides firm performance problems, the stories surrounding these events usually outline a pattern of management problems including leadership, personal style, culture & communication issues, boardroom dissension, clashes with major shareholder and so on. If you want a good example […]

Are Creativity, Entrepreneurship & Innovation the Same Thing?

There’s a difference between having a great idea, and creating value with that idea. Creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation are all words that are used to describe the value creation part of the equation. So do they mean the same thing?