Why You Need to Innovate in Tough Times

It’s natural to try to cut back in tough economic times, and consequently, organisations often cut innovation. This is a mistake. The best results coming out of recessions happen when firms balance short-term and long-term oriented innovation.

Innovation Requires a Bias Towards Action

“They made fun of Galileo, and he was right. They make fun of me, therefore I am right.” That’s a logical fallacy. One way to avoid it is to actually test out our ideas – you can prove people wrong by making your ideas work. This is part of why innovation requires a bias towards action.

Innovation and Serendipity

This post was first published at Integrative Innovation.   In a previous post, I have pointed out the importance of diversity for innovation and organizational adaptability. Diversity is a crucial precursor to serendipity. In the Power of Pull, John Hagel, John Seely Brown and Lang Davison emphasize the rising need for serendipity: We need to […]