Are Entrepreneurs Born or Developed?

Entrepreneurship is now a pretty big deal. Business schools all over the world have courses in this area and some even make it their major focus of teaching and research. Governments are also interested in entrepreneurs and routinely ask themselves how they can develop a more entrepreneurial national culture. Many years ago, an economist called […]

Don’t Keep Fighting the Last Battle

I ran across an interesting quote from Will Wilkinson in an article he wrote about wikileaks: The basic question is not whether we think Julian Assange is a terrorist or a hero. The basic question certainly is not whether we think exposing the chatter of the diplomatic corps helps or hinders their efforts, and whether […]

The World is Changing Too Quickly! 1898 Version

Note: This is a guest post by Neil Kay. It is part of a chapter that he is writing for a book that I am editing with David Rooney and Greg Hearn called Handbook of the Knowledge Economy, volume 2. We’ll post Neil’s chapter as he writes it over the next few weeks. He explains […]

Always Push the Edge: Innovation Lessons from Children’s Book Author Graeme Base

Like Tim, I grew up reading a lot of books. However, I just don’t recall the quality and quantity of books that are available for my pre-school age children. Nearly 40 years ago I remember reading a lot of Dr. Seuss but apart from that there wasn’t a lot of literature that I would now […]

The Social Construction of Business Models

One of the tricky parts of doing social science is that a lot of the things that we try to study are not actually real. Or, as Steve Horwitz puts it in an interesting post trying to define Austrian Economics: The “facts” of the social sciences are what people believe and think. This has some […]

The Role of Strategy

There is a terrific quote in Creative Disruption by Simon Waldman about strategy. It is from Markus Reckling, the Managing Director of Corporate Development for Deutsche Post – here’s the quote plus Waldman’s interpretation: “I used to think that strategy was about avoiding unforeseen events; now I it’s about making sure you can deal with […]

Make Your Own Box

I was talking with an entrepreneur recently and he told me a story about their early days. The sold a bunch of their products to one of the local department stores, and they thought this was the big opportunity that they needed. But none of their stuff sold, and they couldn’t figure out why. So […]

The World is Getting More Complex – Or Is It?

Note: This is a guest post by Neil Kay. It is part of a chapter that he is writing for a book that I am editing with David Rooney and Greg Hearn called Handbook of the Knowledge Economy, volume 2. We’ll post Neil’s chapter as he writes it over the next few weeks. He explains […]

Be Prolific and Focused: Innovation Lessons from the Beatles

Tim and I are now writing a lot on the importance of focus. Being successful with innovation is about managing the paradox of ‘disciplined creation’ and it helps to have some clear ideas about what you are trying to achieve and how you are going to create value. Part of this discipline is taking time […]

Common Knowledge

Note: This is a guest post by Neil Kay. It is part of a chapter that he is writing for a book that I am editing with David Rooney and Greg Hearn called Handbook of the Knowledge Economy, volume 2. We’ll post Neil’s chapter as he writes it over the next few weeks. He explains […]

The Innovation Matrix: People or Tools?

I had lunch last week with some managers from a company that is trying to improve their innovation performance. They kept asking me what tools should they be using to do this? Is there software that will help, or a process, or some other tool? I had to explain that there are a lot of […]

Innovation and Ambidexterity

Guest Post: by Ralph-Christian Ohr Tim wrote a post on “Staying Innovative While Growing”. I fully concur with his conclusion: “But it’s another innovation paradox – the small firms that might be most innovative often don’t have the market clout to get their ideas to diffuse. The firms that are big enough to get ideas […]