A Few Innovation Ideas
Ten Great Free e-Books for Innovators
Linking Innovation to Strategy, part 4
I’ve been talking recently about tools that you can use to link innovation to your organisation’s strategy. Jeffery Phillips explains the relationship between the two quite nicely in his post Do You Need An Innovation Strategy? So, the takeaway is this: innovation is an ENABLER to corporate strategy, and what innovation needs to succeed is […]
Tradition is Not a Business Model
I’m currently reading The Nature of Technology by W. Brian Arthur. It’s a fantastic book. This morning I ran across this quote discussing the spread of innovations: There is another reason the old pricniple persists beyond its time, an economic one. Even if a novel principle is developed and does perform better than the old, […]
Innovation Lessons from A Better Pencil
How do new ideas find their place in the economy? That is one of the issues that Dennis Baron addresses in his excellent book A Better Pencil: Readers, Writers and the Digital Revolution. There is an excellent interview with Baron on Salon in which he outlines the argument of the book: Historically, when the new […]
What I’ve Discovered About Twitter
I first started thinking about using twitter during a very loosely organised but wildly interesting talk from Phil Long (@RadHertz) nearly two years ago now. In the course of a one hour talk that wasn’t called ‘Cool Stuff I’m Excited About’ but should have been, Phil told us about TED talks – showing us the […]
Building Innovation
The more I study business in general, and innovation in particular, the more clear it is that we don’t do a very good job of taking time into account. This leads to a lot of problems – management focused on quarterly results at the expense of building a long-term success, innovations that spread quickly and […]
Combining Ideas – a Key to Innovation
One of the challenges of managing innovation is figuring out what your industry is going to look like in a few years’ time. The big difficulty here is that you are juggling data from three domains, and all of them are changing rapidly: the external environment that shapes your industry, innovations within your industry, and […]
Innovating When Your Organisation Isn’t Innovative
One problem that I consistently run into when I talk to people about innovation is that they often feel stifled. How can you be innovative when you’re operating in a culture that isn’t innovative? This is a consistent problem for people working in the public service, as well for those in industries that seem relatively […]
How to Assess Your Innovation Capability
How do you know how good you are at innovation? One of the tools that we have found very useful for assessing innovation within organisations is the Innovation Value Chain. The tool was developed by Morten Hansen and Julien Birkinshaw and published in an article called The Innovation Value Chain in Harvard Business Review in […]
Using Networks to Spread Ideas
Yesterday I talked about some of the benefits and challenges of distributed innovation within organisations. One of the biggest challenges you face when you make everyone responsible for innovation is this – how do you get new ideas to spread throughout the broader group? This is part of what John and I are studying in […]