Ten More Great Free e-Books for Innovators

On Christmas Day last year, I posted a list of ten great free e-books for innovators. Today isn’t as festive, but I have another ten great free e-books that can help you become more innovative. Connecting ideas is the fundamental creative act in innovation, and one of the ways to do this is to read […]

What’s the Best Use for IP?

Nina Paley has a great series of comics that look at Intellectual Property issues. Here is one of them: The strips make some good points about IP. This one in particular is interesting – it addresses an increasingly common problem. Patents were originally designed to help knowledge spread – by encouraging inventors to disclose their […]

Media Business Models

A guest post by Greg Satell – Digital Tonto There’s been a lot of talk lately about how the media business model needs to change. That’s undoubtedly true. Much like any other industry, the business context is changing rapidly and business practices need to reflect that. However, once you start to explore the issue, another […]

Innovation for Now and for the Future

One of the important ideas that follows from managing innovation as a process is that to be successful at it, you need to manage a portfolio of different innovation initiatives. This means that you need to have a mix of incremental and radical innovation ideas. One good way of building an innovation portfolio is to […]

The Best Way to Have a Great Idea…

Dual Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling famously said “The best way to have a great idea is to have a lot of ideas.” He was right. Well, really, he won two Nobel prizes, so my opinion here is relatively unimportant. But anyway, I think he was right. The quote from Pauling showed up again recently […]

The Real Problem with the Media Business Model

Almost as soon as I finished yesterday’s post on media business models I knew that I had missed an important part of the story. A big part of the problem with the business model for many of the media segments is that they are actually two-sided markets, and the value proposition on one side has […]

Which Part of Your Business Model is Creating Value?

Andrew Keen posted a fascinating interview with Jeff Jarvis yesterday. All of the interview clips are worth watching – they touch on a number of interesting topics, including the relative benefits of publicness and privacy, the future of news and how to best develop new business models for journalism, why google struggles with social applications, […]

Do Something Now!

I have an almost overwhelming amount of stuff to do right now. It’s all really interesting work, and I’m happy doing it – there’s just a lot of it right now. When I find myself in situations like this, I often end up paralysed, which makes things even worse. That is the situation that I […]

Your Brand is How You Interact

One of the key parts of innovation is getting our idea to spread. One of the disadvantages that new organizations have when they innovate is that they do not have any name recognition – in this situation people often think that if only they had a strong brand to support them, then it would be […]

Don’t Hire Experience, Hire Learners

A few weeks ago, the Australian Financial Review published an article discussing how Australian employers value job candidates with an MBA. The short summary is: they don’t value MBAs at all. One headhunter was quoted saying something along the lines of “most employers say that if you have to choose between getting an MBA or […]

Strategy is What You Do

I spent a very enjoyable day today working with a group of people that basically act as innovation consultants. They each work with firms in order to help them develop and embed innovation processes. In the course of the day, several of them said something that went something like “we’re not sure how their innovation […]

Craft-Based Innovation – Dodocase

Check Kevin Rose‘s of the Dodocase for iPad, one of the more gorgeous things I’ve run across recently: Schumpeter defined innovation as the formation of new connections which drive economic growth. In The Nature of Technology, Brian Arthur reinforces this idea by saying that all new economic ideas build on the combination of things that […]