The Perils of Disruption

Why is it so difficult for established firms to deal with disruptive innovation? In general, I think that Clayton Christensen’s model of disruptive innovation is correct. His basic idea is that since disruptions generally start in niches, the economics of pursuing disruptive innovations look really bad for large incumbents: Characteristics of disruptive businesses, at least […]

All Empires are Empires of Ideas

Hugh MacLeod absolutely nails it again with his business card for Joi Ito: New products, new services and new ways of doing things are all fundamentally about ideas. That is why innovation management is really idea management. Jeffrey Phillips addresses this same point in a terrific post called Ideas are a Commodity. He talks about […]

Be More Innovative Today – Make Fresh Insightful Connections

“Fresh insightful connections.” That’s how Rishad Tobaccowala defines innovation in a terrific post today called Becoming Innovative. I think this is a great way to think about innovation. I’ve already said that connecting ideas is the fundamental creative act in innovation, so it was great to see Rishad say this: Connections is a about the […]

Build, Launch, and Tweak

My biggest failing as an innovator is that I get over-attached to ideas. I’m getting better at this, but for a long time if I had a great idea, I was pretty content to just do stuff that managed the idea, or to just talk about the idea, or even to just think about the […]

Strategy Lessons from a Suburban Garden

A month ago our yard was a mess. Fortunately, Nancy & I had a picture of what we could do to change it. Our long-term plan is to plant a bunch of native trees that will block the view of that pipe, and then put in some smaller plants that will attract birds and other […]

Innovation is the Process of Idea Management

Here are a number of actual quotes from this week. On Monday, Mark and I had a research meeting with a colleague in the business school who does business process research. When Mark asked if she has ever looked at innovation, she said: I haven’t, because innovation isn’t a process, is it? After a bit […]

McLaren Wins the Innovation Race

One of the problems that makes innovation necessary is this: no matter how strong your current position is, if you don’t innovate, your business will eventually decline. And it might not be eventually – it might happen sooner. Why? The Think Tank blog quotes Gary Hamel to explain: “Out there in some garage is an […]

Is All Innovation Good?

A simple question: Is All Innovation Good? The simple answer to this is: No. Which poses a bit of a problem – we know that innovation is an essential part of long-term success – as Andrew Howlett says, “The ROI on innovation is survival.” And yet, because innovations create change, and the outcome of change […]

When Planting a Garden is a Radical Innovation

Nothing could be less innovative than planting a garden at your house, right? Maybe – but maybe not. Take a look at this: It’s a Green Roof that’s been planted as part of an initiative put together by Sustainable South Bronx. This is initiative started by Majora Carter. The gardens do three main things. They […]

Innovation Lessons from Collapsing Bridges

Whenever someone comes up with a new type of bridge, there is no way of knowing if the bridge will work or not. The stakes are pretty high too – no one wants to build a bridge that ends up like the The Tacoma Narrows Bridge: Leon Moiseff, the man who designed this bridge, was […]

Innovation through Exaptation

John Tropea made an interesting comment on twitter about one of my recent posts – asking how the idea of exaptation might be used to get our innovative ideas to spread through the network economy. This is a superb question, and well worth investigating (John’s blog is fantastic, by the way, and you should check […]