Xiameter Case Study: Adding Business Model Innovation

We often think that it’s particularly hard for big, established firms to innovate. Yes, there are obstacles. And yet, many manage to innovate, and to do so very effectively. Dow Corning and their business model innovation in launching Xiameter is a good case study of an innovative big firm.

Where Does Innovation Fit in Your Business Model?

If you are using a tool like the Business Model Canvas, where does innovation fit? The answer depends on your strategy. I use The Innovation Matrix to outline several different strategies, and how the business models for these will be different.

Are You Ready for the #SocialEra?

What are the implications of the new ways that technology allows people to connect and interact? Nilofer Merchant explores this in her book 11 Rules for Creating Value in the #SocialEra – it’s a good book with some important lessons.

Why the Future of Innovation is Open

As outlined in my previous post, sustainable innovation requires evolution and revolution. Over the long term, organizations need to be capable of both moving along existing growth trajectories and creating new ones when the old business matures or stalls. This can be depicted as recurring movement along innovation s-curves. In the case of a new […]

The Right Idea at the Wrong Time is Still Wrong

You may remember Webvan, probably the most spectacular flame-out in during the tech boom in the late 90s. If you don’t, Nicole Perlroth describes their blowup for Forbes: Of Web 1.0’s most memorable implosions, Webvan still takes the cake. The online grocer raised $375 million in an IPO, descended upon eight major U.S. cities, peddled […]

Why Your Business Model Must Evolve

Nancy and I were talking about business models today. She is trying to figure out how to use her knowledge of ageing to have the biggest impact. As we discussed the possibilities, and it was clear that she wants to work out the best plan in advance. I told her that this is impossible – […]

Why Extractive Business Models Fail

If you force me to choose, I pick the invention of quartz watch movements as one of the more astonishing examples of creative destruction in business. Once quartz arrived, the value propositions of most of the luxury Swiss watchmakers was instantly destroyed. Pre-quartz, they competed on accuracy. But quartz watches were 10 times more accurate […]

Three Innovation Lessons from the Outcome of the Netflix Prize

You probably heard about the contest that Netflix started in 2006 to crowdsource improvements in their recommendation algorithm. They offered a $1 million prize to anyone that could improve the accuracy of the recommendation algorithm by at least 10%. In 2009, a team of people hit the target, and won the prize. Awesome, right? The […]

Three Quotes on Creativity and Commerce

I ran across a great quote today from Ernest A. Jones about creativity and commercialism. As usual with these sorts of things, it’s nearly impossible to track down the original source, but here is the quote: Only for the phony is commercialism-the bending of creativity to common utility-a naughty word. To the truly creative, it […]

If Not Excellence, What? Tom Peters & Business Models

Better business models lead to better businesses. One critical part of building a better business model is getting your value proposition right. An excellent value proposition means that you have to be excellent at, well, something. But what? One framework that John uses a lot in his classes is this from The Discipline of Market […]

Three Innovation Ideas from William Gibson

I was running an executive education class last week for a group of people from an engineering firm. At the course dinner, we had a speaker from a cutting edge research group within the firm who described a bunch of technology that will completely transform their industry when it hits. The reaction of the class […]

Art, Dollar Shave Club & Business Model Innovation

When I’m doing public talks, one of the big misconceptions that I have to work around is the idea that innovation is only about making new stuff – that you can only innovate if you’re making things like iPhones. Schumpeter defined innovation as the formation of new connections which drive economic growth. In The Nature […]